Irwin Allen would be proud... and a bit miffed that they ripped him off.
Okay, here's the thumbnail sketch. Good special efefcts and action sequences, good acting, a plot you can write on the back of a candy wrapper, and the science is fairly good except for the 10% that the other 90% is based on.
Okay, first the plot. TRhe enmtire script can be summed up as follows: "Take equal elements When Worlds Collide and Irwion allen". End of script. Done pretty well for that, but this is the same as a 50s B movie, just with a whole lot more budget. Now for the "science" (having an MS in physics I just can't let this one go by). Skipping past the fact that a grand alignment of planets with the sun and galactic core would do nothing (with the distances involved, a few little planets in a straight line isn't going to make a bit of difference), there's the one key element the rest of the supposition is based on. They suppose that the energy from this alignment is causing a really big solar flare which emits a flood of neutrinos. They do get it right by saying that neutrinos don't interact with matter (takes a lightyear of lead for them to do so), but then say this flare caused the neutrinos to "evolve", so that they can now interact with matter. Naturally they interact with the planetary core, boiling it and causing all the damage. Problem: Yes, a neutrino can get to the core, BUT if it starts interacting with things then it's NOT going to just get past all that matter on the way to there. Such particles won't get past the Magnetosphere, much less the upper atmosphere, interplanetary gas clouds, people (flesh cooks too), or any other sort of matter int he way. At worst you'd get some satellite disruption (BTW, there was ZERO communications interruption, satellite or otherwise, in this film from "the biggest solar flare in Human history") and really nice looking auroras at the poles.
That said, this is basically a 2 hour and thirty-eight minute B disaster movie. Treat is as such when deciding to see it. Oh, and the ending would make a great prequel for Waterworld.