The last of the promised B5 movies, this one is the prelude to the new series, but still stands well on it's own.
Continuing a few short years after the end of season 5, President Sheridan is hit with (surprise) yet another star-spanning crisis. Mysterious visions lead him on a quest to finally uncover a secret race that the Shadows left, ones who are a more than a bit dismayed about their absense and now want revenge- starting with Earth.
For you battle scene freaks the fighting doesn't happen until near the end, but before that there's p;lenty to keep things going. A mystery to follow, secrets to find, all leading up to the most iminent crisis to hit Earth's solar system yet.
This film works well on two fronts; as one of the better B5 TV movies, and as a solid lead in to the new series. Watch it if you haven't already, then stay tuned for the series.
I know I'm looking forward to it.