You've seen it in The Seven Samauri, and again in The Magnificent Seven, and even in Battle Beyond The Stars. Well, its back again, the old bit with a select number of warriors going off to fight unassailable odds to defend some nothing village. A theme, you may say, that has been done several times before.
And each time it's worked for best effect, and this film is no exception. The trailers for it do a very good job of keeping under wraps just what type of enemy it is they're to fight, and for that I applaud them as plot of the entire film revolves around just what the enemy is.
Attention is paid to such small details as the Norse Men's speach remaining untranslated until such time as the Arabian character learns their speach; a tactic which only the movie Stargate has yet employed and one which makes sense. To those few that might cry about no sub-titles I pose this- how are we to understand what they're saying when the Arab doesn't and it's his point of view through which we spy the unfolding events? Small details like this are what mark a movie of good quality.
As for the rest, all I'll say is that it's very much worth the watch; anything else would give too much away. The Thirteenth Warrior is adventure in a classic mode, one that has been done before but not often eough to render it overly cliche'. See it and have plenty of popcorn ready- it's that type of movie.