The original movie version of Annie tanked at the box-office for one reason: it came out 2 weeks before ET The Extra-Terrestrial. Unfortunately this over-shadowed an otherwise very good movie, bringing us to the point nearly 2 decades later when someone decided it a good idea to remake it.
The original version had an unequaled cast, with an Annie that could belt out tunes with the best of them, and Carol Burnet as a perfectly sloshed Miss Hanigan. This new version? Well, the Annie could sing rather good, but lacked that final magic in her voice, and the miss Hanigan? Well, while she could put out a good song, she just couldn't act while she was doing so.
I won't even get into the buttler; he was just no comparison to the vivid personality from the first one (His name escapes me, but think, tall, black, bald, and with a vlice to go along with his mystic snake-charming character). The plot too had been thinnned for television- as if they'd wanted to get in as many songs between commericals as possible and forget the dialog that held it together. The story just didn't matter.
The movie wasn't halfway through before I just gave up. My opinion- rent the original and save yourself a teeth-grinding evening.