A romantic comedy disguising itself as a remake of the original series within a movie inspired by the original series. The Premise: someone within Hollywood wants to remake Bewitched as a new series that's slanted more towards an egotistical actor playing Darin. The unknown they cast as Samantha happens to be an actual witch trying, much like Samantha, to lead an ordinary more or less magic-free life. Naturally her father objects.
Some of the acts of magic by our witches are pretty smooth, like walkingout of a backdrop, or holding up businesscard thenletting it go and see it has become an actual sign in the yard of a house, and many more are of the type inspired by the series. Amuzing in general, a couple of spots where you want to cringe because the actor lead is being such a jerk, a few too many quiet moments, and a side plot involving Daddy Witch and an actress that never really gets resolved (at the risk of some minor spoilage, while one fact about her is revealed to the audience, and some suggestions that she is behind certain things, we never find out her motivation for doing so or if- my own theory- she might actually be someone like the witch-girl's mother in disguise). Also she has an Aunt Clara, though at first seems puzzled that this person is supposed to actually be her real aunt, a copy of the one from the orginal series; sounds like someone tossed her into the script just to get all the cameos in there but without any real thought for plot consistency.
Not too bad but not too great either, though Nicole Kidman is great and perfectly believeable in her part (which includes being a lively sprite of a person about 10 years younger then I recall the actress to actually be).
A note to the ratings people: how do you guys rate these movies? With a chimp and a dart board? Batman Begins has a dark feel and violence and is rated PG, Star Wars Episode I had two people killed on screen and it got a PG, here a gal twitches her nose and kisses someone (no tongue) and it gets a PG-13? This is a G movie if I've ever seen one. It's okay to show the kids violence and death but make it someone falling in love with someone else and all that positivce stuff and it's off-limits?! Okay, someone might say there's a scene of the two of them in bed, but it's a scene on the television set showing them on the set and the cameras and everyone clothed so we know it's just two actors acting, not a real love scene (they don't even kiss there, just talk). Where in the world does this rating come from? No one dies, no one curses, just Nocol Kidman smiling and acting young and vibrant a lot. Me thinks someone is way over abusing the PG-13 rating.
Rant over, back to the review.
Anyway, mildly amusing in an early-bird matinee sort of way, not worth a full-price ticket (at current prices, what really is?), though with the incomplete side plot and a few other missing details I felt this was half a movie and I really wanted to saee the rest of it. If you watched the original series growing up, then you might enjoy this one; if you have no idea what Betwitched is then save your money and find the original episodes.