Bond is back and he's as flamboyant as ever. Pierce Brosnan once again proves himself well up to the task of playing James Bond with typical Bond flare as he winds his way through a plot that takes him globe-hoping over half of Europe and going through Bond-women like pretzels. Formulaic it may be, but it's still a rouser of an action flick with all the stylish Bond flare.
Of minor note is a cameo role in the form of John Cleese, with a toss-away line that you must not miss. In responce to a remark by Bond, Cleese's character says "Ah, that famous Bond wit. Or at least half of it." Typical Cleese humor with this half-wit remark that fits in so perfect.
While Brosnan is a great Bond, the villians however are rather ordinary. Not as flamboyant as Bond villians of past years, though that seems to be true of the last few pictures in general. Get a villian like Doctor No or the guy with the steel hat and team it up with Brosnan and you'll really have something.
All in all though, a pretty fair effort.