An amusing and predictable Jim Carey flick that poses the question "What would you do if you were god?" Once I'd brushed off the popcorn tossed into my hair by the 20-year old fifth graders sitting behind me I set into enjoy the film.
A luckless TV news personality gets God's job for a while and naturally finds out it's harder then he'd thought. Enter the expected capers of him goofing off with infinite power at his fingers andit's here that the laughs part of the movie is concentrated. follow this upwith finding out that there are repercussions which he is also responsible for and that leads onto Bruce learning his lesson. Of course, with a tsunami wiping out a town in Japan as one of the repercussions, you have to wonder if that's a pretty big price just for God to teach one guy a lesson.
The ending you can see coming nearly from the opening credits, and if there's a moral it's pretty much the usual "be happy with your lot in life or else". Along the way, however, we get to see Jim Carey and Morgan Freeman play off one another and that brings this up to an acceptable matinee' fare.