First off let me say that someone is getting too trigger-happy with the ratings system. This film has a PG rating but there's nothing more than a G in this entire thing. When Dr Seus can't even get a G rating then who the heck is giving out these scores? Editorial over.
Another Seus adaptation, this one of his most famous story, it seems to be generally structured around the original plot with some other stuff thrown in not from the book but still in the same spirit. Mike Meyers is a good enough Cat and it's generally enjoyable enough though I think they did the Grinch one better (and isn't that the same little girl from the Grinch that's in this one?). Basic plot is about the same as in the book;random mayhem on a rainy day and the kids learn a lesson. Pretty light stuff (another reason why it should be a G rating).
Younger kids should like it, but the older one gets the less enjoyable it might seem. There's just a little something missing that i can't quite figure...