A bit of a brain-bender of a movie, that follows one character through the span of six different lives through which he is reincarnated. The bending part is that all six life-stories are told in parallel, so there's a lot of flash forwards and backwards. adding to the confusion is having the same actors playing multiple parts, and in a couple of cases they may or may not be playing the same character in one life while switchcing it around in the next.
The basic theme, though, is simple enough and has been done before in several pieces of classic fiction. And that is, that what one person does in one life, cannot only influence others about the world in his own lifetime but also send reprocussions on down the centuries. What is a bit different, is that the story is told rather well, and all the confusing parts are kept well track of. All in all, this is a well-done movie that just might leave you thinking for a bit.