The first Arnold flick in a while that does't involve aliens, robots, or demons, it's a solid flick all about action and justice. Made before the 911 disaster, it's amazing timelyness to world vents strikes a chord or two with anybody watching.
A simnple and solid plot, here Arnold plays just an ordinary man- if firemen can at all be called ordinary. His wife and child killed at the hands of a terrorist and dismissed as collateral damage, he takes the law into is own hands to chase down their killer. The terrorists say they kill for liberation and freedom, but freedom to sell cocain only makes the bad guys more worth their final comeupance. This film differs in that it's not just Arnold shooting things up or running around stone-faced and destructive, he's actually trying to act, and given the subject material something worth cgeering over at the right moments.
Not the best but not the worst. Just a solid actioner to fill the Winter void and cast a bit of catharsism about a mournful and angry nation.