Forget the fact that it's subtitled and filled with someone else's language, this is a good movie. Martial arts epic, love story, and tragedy, it has it all. Magical acrobatics adorn this flick, with battle sequences designed to thrill and overwhelm.
One problem is that some of these sequences involve outright flying which would be okay if the setting involved a selection of Chinese wizards, gods, and a generally magical setting, but in what is given as a strictly non-magic world seeing one guy take off like Superman is just a bit out of place. That's my only gripe, but they do get caried away on this.
Also, a note. In this one scene where the girl takes on all these men, tossing them across the room and jumping up and down from first to second level, I swear it's the exact same set used in the last Jackie Chan film Legend of Drunken Master 2. Watch for it and see if I'm not right.
All in all though it's pretty good, though see it in a good theater and not the dump I had to use. It could use a much wider release.