The DaVinci Code

I never read the book, 9only know what I've heard, which is this. The premise is the hunt for the old Holy Grail, which apparently is not some drinking cup. The search starts with a murder which leads to clues hidden in various works of Leonardo DaVinci. Clues that may lead to the Holy Grail, which apparently everyone wants for one reason or another.

The tone of the film is that of a clue-driven mystery, a puzzle and a treasure hunt. If you like stories where you have to figure something out, have a contest to see if you can beat the main characters to the conclusions, then you'll like this movie. I didn't think it was too bad (Note: I figured out who the Grail person was about half way through, maybe a bit earlier).

And now for the controversy. Does this film violant any religious precepts? Does it insult Christians everywhere? I don't think so. This isns';t a debate on the subject, just a movie review, but let me say this. How does Jesus having a kid take away from his divinity? The possible fact does nothoing to take away faith and the Word, just the central source of some men's power on this Earth. If all of this fi;lm is merely fiction, then it's just an amusing little film; if some parats of this film are based on possible truth, then none of that changes anything jesus was saying. So where's the beef?

anyway, it's an interesting film.