A remake of the old cult sequel and this one's actually not too bad. Not a classic, but not bad. The usual horror elements, all very much standard, but with the occassional spot of humor. For example, as they go running into the mall to escape the hundreds of marching dead, the music playing in there is "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
Predictable storyline for the genre, but nonetheless enjoyable. Not campy, just a feeling that the guys making it were having a bit of fun along the way. But son't get too comfortale with the lighter stuff because that's when the horrorof thelimping dead will come back at you. I did wonder why the nurse character, upon realizing it's all spread by bite, didn't think of the word "antibiotics" or to sterilize all future wounds with the most powerful anti-germ-juice they might find in that place, but that's a minor complaint.
A nice little afternoon matinee' for those that want something a little light on the horror. Oh yeah, stay through the end credits.