Robin Williams as a corrupt kiddie show host gets replaced by a purple rino in a movie that manages to combine black comedy with feel-good. Robin Williams actually is little more then a comedy-relief side character despite what the promos may imply, and also in this the most openly gay man in Hollywood Harvey Firestien for about the first time in his career does not play a gay character (I guess he wanted to proove that he can actually act).
The first part is amusing but not really funny, not in the belly-laugh sort of way, and one is prone to want to see that purple thing mutilated in some horrible way. But after a while both the character and the movie sort of grows on you until at the end the dark comedy has evolved into a feel-good movie. Quite a tricky transformation. The main character is one of those idealistic nearly-completely naive syrupy-sweet clods that somehow always manages to make his way up to the top. A usually predictable plot but with a few dark Devito twists and the comedy relief of Robin Williams. Taken as a whole it's not too bad- Not great, but not too bad (though Gosford Park malkes this one look like the real Academy winner).
LIke I said, black comedy + feel-good = okay movie.