Well, looks like "XXX" isn't the new Bond after all (in fact, it's starting to look rathger crude and sub-standard in comparison).
The Bond of Old is back, with the full Bond flamboyance, style, action, gadgets, villains the audience can hate as much as Bond does, and above all a good script. So much to say that I dare not without spoiling it, but let me just say this is the best Bond in a very long time. Jpohn Cleese as Q verbally fencing with Bond, the supply cache of Bond gadgets of years past, the no-regrets high in the sky plot, the chases, twists, the grand settings, trying to figure out what's going on... I'm glad the trailers haven't hinted a word about the plot because uncovering what this movie's about is all the fun. This is over-the-top Bond at it's best, and Pierce Brosnan is just the right Bond to really make it fly.
In short, prepare to have a new favorite Bond movie.