This is exactly what it pretends to be; a Die Hard movie. No art film, no plot twists, no mysteries, just enough plot to keep things going and just plain action and in that it's pretty good. A simple action flick, but a good one.
First off let me comment on the trailers. The two scenes, one with them ducking a rolling car and saved by two other cars just coming up to either side, and then taking out a helicopter with a speeding car. Unlike trailers of some movies, these are not scenes taken from the last twenty minutes of the film. In fact, they both occur about only a third the way through the film. So have no fear about the whole film being spoiled by the trailers, it's not, so you're safe.
Second, this film isn't completely plotless. There's a lot of comupter-hacker action going on, the real goal beneath all the distraction, and the threat of a nation going into complete turmoil. There's of course the whole kidnap the daughter and daughter doing the "wait until my father gets you guys" that smacks of Commando with Arnold Schwartzenegger, but that doesn't work out too bad and isn't over-played. They do manage to work in the "Yippie-Kayah" line within the PG-13 limitations. What more can be said? It's Die Hard, how much more can there be?! You got action, one-liners, and loads of stunts. See it if you need mindless action, don't see it if you want something more.
It's that simple.