Speaking as someone that has historically never really liked westerns (or at leats long since burned out on them) I can say that I really enjoyed Django Unchained. It seems as if Quentin Tarantino can do no wrong as this is a film that, while being a salute to the old Spagetti Westerns, and having all the classic Wetsern staples (including the obligatory very bloody shootout) is also unique enough to hold the interest of this old cow hand. There are elements of classic westerns combined with a southern planatation movie, and a German dentist. The result is 2 hours and 45 mninutes (yes, you read that right) of pure entertainment.
I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll try to keep this a bit general. First, there is more acting talent in this one film than any other three. Second, the slave-trade planatation angle adds a little mix into things not seen in most westerns. I mean, you have classic John Wayne westerns, and you have southern Civil War Erz planatation films, but never (that I know of) having them cross over. And then of course you have just enough of the Spagetti elements to act as an accent whie not overdoing it and ending up with something as boring as most spegetti westerns. I realy enjoyed this fim; perfect matinee' fair.