An English remake of some foreign film of the same name, it starts out as two nearly independent plots, until they intersect about an hour or so in. OKn the one hand is the story of a disgraced reporter hired solve a 40 year old murder or a teenage girl from a rich family i Sweden. ON the other han, there is the story of a young woman with a tortured past... and present... who is an excellent investigator, but a sexually abused ward of the state. The two plotlines don't meet until the reporter needs to hire the girl (who has a tattoo of a large dragon across her back) to help him out.
Overall this has a good plot, dark characters, with the girl doing a great job of looking dead inside. There were a few plot elements I saw coming well enough before the characters did, but it was generally well paced. It is a little long though; just when the A-plot was finished, it's another half hour to wrap up the B and C plots. Two and a half hours long. It also has several scenes of nude female body parts involved in joined sex acts, so leave the kiddies at home. That said, it's a pretty engaging film.