Okay, so I'm a few decades late with this one, but a friend just sent me a copy to watch. Years and years of hearing about this "legendary" film like it's some avantgard ellitist flick and now I could see what all the fuss is about.
Dreadfully unwatchable.
Maybe if see at 2AM when you're half asleep, and hopefully stoned out of your mind and/or drunk, then maybe this would be entertaining or a "horror" film, and maybe even the ending (or most of the "plot") might make some sense, but I was unlucky enough to be sober at the time. a film-school attempt shot in black and white, round about in one of those decades when "college student" or "film school" was code for smoking, doing, or snorting, it has a "plot" that is full of what I am sure the director thought to be highly intellectual metaphors when he was smoking those funny cigaretts, but any sober person can instantly see to be visualizations of some old nightmare he had one night while high. I wanted to turn if off after the first few minutes but stuck it out for the entire film thinking there HAS to be something in it that was the reason for all the buzz, so I'm qualified when I say this...
Eraserhead makes Event Horizon look like high art, Gossford Park look entertaining, and Felini look like- no, Felini films are still boring dreck. At any rate, in short, Eraserhead is bad. The only people that wouldst profess to like this thing are the same ones in the crowd scene of The Emperor's New Clothes.