We have a Winner!!!
The funniest movie that will probably come out this year, Evolution is a film that doesn't even take itself seriously (just watch the last bit before the end credits for proof) and has a plot that follows logically (or at least as much as movie-pseudo-science will allow) to a hillarious solution to that which threatens the entire world.
Made by the same guy who brought us Ghost Busters and it shows, there's even a surprise entry midway or so through by an old Ghost Busters alumnus that just puts a nice cap onto things. With what might be a tongue-in-cheek Muldur hitting the skids and Scully crossed with the fourth Stooge, we have a max true to the Ghost usters formula of SF-Comedy.
I'm dying to spoil thing with details but I won't. Suffice it to say that this is a movie worth seeing and laughing with. If you need anymore proof, consdier that my local CBS affiliate's reviewer hated it and we all know what their demographic is like (about equal in age to the year Ghost Busters came out).