A cameo-ridden parody of The A-Team, while it is filled with enough mindless action and muscle-bound fighting, it's plot-holes are big enough to fly their plane through, though you'll be loaughing most of the way while you do so. Now, I never saw the first film, so I imagine the 30-second cameo of Charisma Carpenter's character Lacy was actually supposed to mean something, but there were times I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be an action-comedy or if the Saturday Night Lives guys were do to walk out any minute. Most of the cast you'll see on the posters have parts that amount to extended cameos; Chuck Noris, Arnold Swartzeneggar, Bruce Willis. And Jean-Claud's role as the Villain is not too convincing or threatening, nor does his final showdown against Sly seem as little more than by the numbers.
So, is this a fun film? In a mindless action sort of way, but if you're looking for anything more then wait until it hits Net Flix.