TRhismovie has gotten a lot of mixed reviews from the fans but after seeing it I can say that it's really not all that bad. I've heard people say that one point or another isn't like in the comics and therefore bad, but here's the thing. The animnated series of the mid 90s differs in some respects from the original from about 1970. For one thing, in 1994 Dr. Doom was the tyrannical ruler of Latvia; in 1970 he just had the accent and castle but was no ruler, just a mad scientific genius with a few odd powers. Comics change and evolve, so as long as the story's good then ujust get over it people.
That said, this film falls somewheree above the Incredible Hulk and below Spiderman 2. An origin story (and by the way, at the end they ship Doom back to Latveria, so guess maybe he just might become a tyranical ruler after all), that adds to the comics in that Doom is in that storm as well. The story's not bad and most of the characters are pretty good as well. Human Torch and Thing interaction is spot on, and Reed is perfect as the overly studious intellect. Some have complained that the Jessica Alba's Invisible Woman is about as intellectual as a doorknob, and while I'll admit that she doesn't really sell it as a geneticist (she's introduced as a geneticist and that's as close to science as she gets), in the original source while she's intellectual eneough she's no really big scientist (most of her duties consist of keeping Johnny Storm and Ben Grim away from one another). Nothing in any of the characters to really hate, at most a little lack luster for the Invisible Woman. For Doom, the evolution of Victor Von Doom into the Dr. Doom we all know and love is acceptable and works well enough, though the actor is a bit subdued until he gets fully into his Dr. Doom outfit but from then on it's all good.
If you're picky about this film being absolutely true to the original source, just ask yourself if that's the 1994 source, 1978 (I hated that little robot replacing the HUman Torch), or the 1970 version, or anything else along the comic's evolution, because as a film this works pretty well. Comparing it to the first Spiderman movie's origin tale, I would expect the next Four film to be really good. As for this one, good matine' prospects.