Break out the popcorn because the first family of history is back in a prequel to the first movie of the legendary cartoon series.
All the cartoonish effects are there, all the gimicks, talking dinosaur appliances, and prehistoric sight-gags. Also present is Gazoo, the big-headed little alien done up in frighteningly life-like detail. what isn't present is a good start. The beginning of the film is a bit slow to take off, but there is hope; about half wqay through we finally get a villian going and from there out we have a nice enjoyable film. All in all, it left me with a rather enjoyable feeling.
Cameos to watch for: You may have heard about Rosie O'Donnel as the voice of an octopus massager, but there's others. The credits mention a special appearance by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera themselves, though I wouldn't know their faces if they bit me. There was, however, a camero at the end of the picture that I recognized right off. Listen to the voice of the preacher as Fred and Wilma are getting married; if it sounds familiar then no wonder. Watch close and you'll finally see the voice that goes with the face; Mister Slate himself.
An amusing little divertion, take the kids and see the matinee feature.