You all remember the episode from the original Twlight Zone series where bits of a guys past vanish bit by bit until he's no longer the person he was and no one remembers anything about himself or who he claims he was connected up with? Well, this is the movie version, spun up with a bit of X-Files stuff as the reason for what all is happening (they never mention the word "alien", but...), though in this case forgotten children are the issue... except that the mother still remembers.
No really big surprises, plot-wise, just the watching of everything going through it's paces. A couple of sudden bang-and-crash moments though, to make you jump and giggle. I've seen more intricate thrillers, but this one's not too bad. Julianna Moore as the tortured mother, Gary Sinise with his 50's-era SciFi-B-movie looks, and a plot-idea taken direct from Twilight Zone history.
Just the sort of post-Summer mildly-entertaining fair we've come to expect right about now.