Yet another take on vampire legends, this one disposes of the fangs, bat-wings, and charming count smiles, and takes it as a blood disease sourced from a small group of men cursed many centuries ago. We still have the blood lust and the vioence, burning in the sun and near indestructibility, but gone are the charm-them-with-a-glance and pretty much anything that requires a real special effects budget to be replaced by guns, gallons of blood, and desolate stretches of Texas no-man's land.
With all the dreary excitement of a Spagetti Western but with the horses replaced by cars in bad need of good mechanics, it follows a hapless young man who inadvertently finds himself in the midst of a conflict between the expected mysterious drifter and a rather uncharismatic master vampire. Somneplace between bleak and mildly entertaining, this film deserves a rating on my Cheesey Scale, so with that in mind I hearby award it a Brie.
Worth Seeing? Well, if you're that desperate for vision fixation before the big hits start comming out next week then go ahead, otherwise wait for the video. Not what'd I'd call really bad, but not all that great either (but then again, I was never a fan of Spagetti Westerns on wheels).