The disapointing and basically unecessary latest movie version of the classic TV show, not so much bad as just... eh. In fairness to the actors, several of which have great Cred, I blame the director for this one; he should have gone with the lead cast members and sealed themsevles away in a room for 12 hours watching non-stop episodes of Get Smart.
So many missed oportunities. Like when Smart's backside is exposed, unknowningly to himself, we see his bare bottom, when a better and funnier bit would be to see his unmanly underware (hearts or pink ponies come to mind). Or when they ask him where the bomb is, he says under the piano and turns out to be right, then admits it was a total guess; the Don Adams way would be a look of surprise on his face folllowed quickly by him covering up with a rambling explanasion of how he'd known all along and by which improbable means he'd figured it out... ending with a slight roll of his eyes that they'd bought it. Not nearly enough slapstick, more like half the cast had been told thids was to be a serious spy movie, and the ones that knew it was supposed to be a comedy were told to play it down a bit.
I've never watched The Office through a complete episode, but I imagine that Steve Correl is a lot more talented than the director obviously lets him be. He plays Smart like he's suckcing on a lemon while a gerble is being shoved up his rear; way to stiff and nearly as unemotional as the robot Hymie. Hathaway was better as 99 but could still have used those 12 hours in that TV room; doesn't vamp as good as the original.
To be fair there were a few humorous moments, though most seen in the trailers, and the Bernie Copel cameo (fake German accent and all) was good, though a Barbara Feldon cameo would have been great. But overall, not great, not bad, just laying there waiting for a more inspiring director, funnier script, some better coaching, and so,meone in that mess that has seen more than just a CLiff Notes version of the original series.