A B-movie visitation once again to the Red Planet, though this time at least a bit better then last year's drek. It's your basic ghost story where possession is nine-tenths of the film, the ghosts seem to have come from Punk Rock World, and with a heavy metal sound track that comes blaring out from the front speakers.
The plot is basic and the action as expected; no big brain teasers here just straight forward action flick. The ghost story aspect is used only as an excuse for the action and should not be mistaken for anything intended to be scary or chilling. Shoot the alien-possessed people and move on. Since the story is told in flashback (a not entirely disagreeable form of storytelling) you already know up front the number of people who are going to buy the farm. It's just one of those put-your-brain-on-hold-and-sit-back movies.
This film easily qualifies as a cheesey movie and hence subject to a rating on my scale. It looses a point for the heavy metal stuff attacking me from the front speakers, and so ends up with a Swiss.