At last, Green Lantern makes it to the big screen, but did they do a good job? Or even an acceptable one? The movie itself is pretty good. Could have been great with some tweeking, but good. NIce and heroic, some situational humor, nice stuff with other Lanterns and their home planet, all good stuff. The big villain was not Sinestro, in fact he was stil a pretty honorable Lantern by the end of the film.
Then came the end of credits scene, the twist you expect coming, only while it was a logical scene fr the mythos, it did not follow the logical course of the rest of the film. They had not set up a reason for it really happening. Though with a couple added lines of dialogue and about 5-10 minutes added to the movie, they could have easily set up Sinestro's attitude as one becoming disillusioned enough with the Corps to warrant that end of credits scene, and made this movie great. Still enjoyable, just ignore the added thing in the ending credits.