Grindhouse is a salute to the cheap double features of years gone by, complete with Coming Attractions, an add for some local business, scratches in the film, missing reels, and the works. Cheap exploitive plots, faulty movie-logic, exploitive camera shots, all the look and feel of a cheap pair of movies whose reels have been shown a few times too many. Planet Terror and Death Proof comprise this double-billing movie.
The first film has action enough and picks up speed pretty quickly, giving us a lot of blood and gore and who cares about the plot. More a loving tongue-in-cheek look at old zombie end-of-days film then a zombie film itself. The second film is Tarantino's, a basic plot of a stuntman who gets his kicks running down groups of girls in his death-proof stunt car. The car chases in this one are great, but the preamble ois nearly intolerable. Nearly a full hour of girls talking girl-talk before the real action begins. The basic story is half an hour of girl-talk, enter quick scene of stunt-guy running them over, half an house more of girl-talk with a different group, then the real chase scene and final reversal.
Planet Terror was loads of fun, while Death Proof was very slow to start, but all in all the movie as a whole was still pretty good, and those phony previews are a blast.