Part One of the last Harry Potter book, the Deathly Hallows. I haven't read the book, but just judging by the fact that it felt more complete than Half Blood Prince, I'm guessing this one followed the book more (it helps that Rowling was a producer). Moody and dark, Deathly Hallows is definitely not for the little ones. Our heros are on the run, magic society is collapsing, and Voldemort holds all the cards. A few quick battles here and there but mostly this is a set up for Part 2. Which doesn't make it any less interestng or exciting, because it is.
No faults with this one, and it does make me want to hurry up and see Part 2. Characters dying, motives shifting, everyone in trouble. This is the home stretch and is looking great. See it, don't wait for the viedeo.