The last part of the last installment of the HArry Potter franchise, wherein Potter finally faces off against Voldemort. Lots of people fight, lots of people die, lots of plot elements come to final fruition, and from the looks of it lots of plot details left out of the movie that the film seemed to be missing. Mind you, the film was quite good, it's just that on some of the finner details I wish I'd either read the book or seen them in the film. That, and the final defeat of Voldemort could have been more spectacular or momentous, but that could just be that old English tendency for being subdued about everything. And I would have liked to see more Hagred (though I don't know how much air time he gets in the book, so I can't really compare that part of the movie).
Over all though, it was a good ending to a great franchise. And I liked that "19 years later" part (though again I hear the book was a bit more extensive on what everyone was up to that 19 years later).