A Theory Of Homosexuality

The following is an intellectual discussion regards the possible basis of homosexuality. All conclusions are reached solely through logic and observation with no social concerns attached to ma purely scientific method. So if you don't have the maturity for such an unbiased discussion or are going to accuse everyone that wants to label as a homophobe anyone that doesn't view homosexuality as having been sent by the angels, then please take no offence and click back to the previous page (you'd also be prooving my point, as given in the text below that you'll never read). For the rest, please read on. This discussion is not meant to promote hate but merely to analyze and explain.

Now, regards the subject on the basis of Homosexuality, there is an observation I've made that I believe fits available data. Admittedly my theory comes from carefully listening to the answers of one too many homosexual guests on some TV talk shows, but there is a commonality.

A large amount of homosexuals seem to claim 2 things. One, that they knew they were homosexual before the age of 10. The problem with this is that Everyone before the age of ten has little to no interest in the opposite sex (they got "coodies"), but that doesn't mean they're gay. The other thing a lot seem to say is that they had their first gay experience at some single-digit age.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a "sexual experience" at age 6 is called child sexual abuse, in this case with a same-sex adult. Now, we all know the possible results of standard sexual abuse: girls grow up to either be everyone's "daddy's little girl" or frigid as ice; boys might grow up to brag that they "Had" their Aunt Jane when they were young and ain't that great.

But what about the effects of Same-Sex sexual abuse? We don't hear much about this because what kid is going to tell anyone what happened? It's not something anyone's going to tell or brag about. The long term effects? Well, let's see.

The offending adult will naturally tell the kid that it's only natural, to cover his tracks, leaving the kid to either believe him or not. If he believes the adult, then he grows up thinking it's natural (read as: gay). IF he doesn't, he'll still keep quiet and grow up really confused. What's the kid to do then? Find a way of dealing with it. One way is denial. If they can convince themselves that it was natural for them then they don't have to face the hard fact that they were abused as kids. Also, there's safety in numbers, so if there's a community of others that say this is natural for them then one might figure that joining in with them would make it seem for natural for themselves and thus less painful to deal with. In fact, the louder they shout about how great it is to be gay, how everyone should try it, and about gay rights, the more denial they're obviously in.

Summary: the bulk of homosexuality is the long-term results of same-sex child sexual abuse. The sooner a gay person looks back into his past for such an event and admits to himself that it's the real reason why he's gay, the sooner he just might find himself to be a heterosexual who was deeply hurt emotionally. Homosexuals are not to be hated or applauded but pitied; they're just like a guy with a broken leg insisting on his right to keep his leg broken.