Hulk Smash!
Tons better than that first hulk effort, this time the CGI actually looks like the hulk instead of a pin-headed cartoon muscle mass, the characterization is better, with things like the Hulk's above stated fav line, and of course lots of things for the Hulk to break and throw around. This then is more like an actual Hulk movie.
The Geeky: During a quiet time post-Hulk as Banner is recovering, the background music contains elements from the theme of the original TV series of the 70s. Also, aside from cameos of Stan Lee and Lou Ferigno, in the background is a television playing an old series... The Courtship Of Eddie's Father, staring Bill Bixby (the original Dr. Banner).
It'll never make an awards program, of course, but as a Hulk movie it works quite well. Pretend that first movie just didn't exist and go watch this one.