What happens when superheros meet reality? The get sued for damages, go into witness protection, then get a family and a middle-aged spread. Or at least that's the premise for The Incredibles, an amusing animated peek into such a world. Preceeded by an animated short about a sheep (and before that by the first peek at Star Wars Episode III, but that's another story), Pixar is in good form, complete with humor, action, and an actual story.
A series of legal-fallout sends superheros everywhere intpo hiding, and Miste5r Incredible and Elastic Girl into family-making, where raising kids (with their own super-powers) and frustratingly tedious jobs replace the heroics of their past. Fast-forward a few years and an opportunity arises to leave-off with the reminising and arm-chair heroics to return back to the real thing, and therein the real story begins.
Definitely a fun and amusing film, and not just a kiddy-flick (actual character deaths, for anyone concerned), fans of superheros and comedies alike will like it. Not exactly a parody, more like superhero-meets-world, but well worth the effort.