Okay, so the trailers made it look interesting, even though I hadn't seen the parent flick, Divergent. So I downloaded Divergent and watched it first... Meh. I'll stick with hunger Games, and that's a bit derivative in itself. Anyway, I decided to see Insurgent after all, mainly because I really needed a movie (Can you tell I don't have a girlfriend?). So, my take? Well, I spotted a couple of continuity errors, at least one out-of-character inconsistent behavior (which could have easily been solved with a couple closeups of the guy's guilt-ridden face), the plot was predictable at every turn, and no real surprises. Well, okay so all these YA flicks have basically the same plot, or at least one of two variations on the same theme. There's the distopian after the world ends plot (Hunger Games, Divergent) and the supernatural YA flick (Vampire Academy, Twilight). You could write the plot on the back of a used 3"X5" index card. At any rate, as far as mindless entertainment goes, it was sort of okay. Not up to being a good Cheesey flick, but okay.