This generation's attetmpt at a 2001 Space Odyssey-esk style movie with an attempt to be a bit cerebral (which usually means that it's something that the writer can't figure out), with a mix of love across the generations just to add in the emotional content. Overall it is rather good and pretty well thought out... but for one flaw in the logioc of the set-up. So other than the fact that the writer can't think his way out ofg a five-dimensional paper bag, the film over all is good, if at places inspired by 2001.
So, what's the flaw? The worm hole suddenly appeared and kickstarted the entire plot; a wormhole that is not natural and placed there by "someone". Well, this movie doesn't have any aliens in it (another SF film that's afraid to include aliens to maintain its "credibility"), so much as I saw coming about half way through, the ones that placed the worm hole are Humans from the far future come to help us along. The Problem? This is a temporal loop with no entry. In order for them to come back to helpm us, they have to have initially gotten past this crisis point so as to be able to evolve to where they can make wormholes, but the present time of this movie has Earth in its death throws with no way out- until the worm hole. There was no way for Earth to get to that point pre wormhole and so no way of kicking off the plot..
But that aside, this is a pretty good film, though it willl never become legend like 2001.