Definitelt a B horror movie about the usual mysterious stranger encountered on a road trip. It starts out with enough potential, creeps and shocks in all the right places, but starts to peeter out in the last half.
The threatening mystery man bit works as well as in any past horror flick of the same ilk, and they even poke a bit of fun at other horror pics with l9ines like "You know that one dumb thing they do at the beginning of horror movies, will this is it". But after the man's true appearance was revealed I felt like shouting out "Let's get Buffy the Vampire Slayer for this guy!". It just started to slide. And the end (regards which part he's after) you can see coming from the song reference in the title.
Regards my Cheesey Scale rating, it started out with some potential but the second half of the film lost it a bit of ground, so my overall rating is a Brie.