The Creeper'sback, in a sequel that takes place just 3 days after the end of the first movie. whereas the first filmwent from promicing mediocity down to disappointing let-down, this one startsout asapretty syandard slasher-style flick punctuted with the occassional flaw in logic and design.
Let's see, a gal that suddenly turns psychic just long enough to spew up the back-story (and not psychic afterwards), a bus-load of kids back from a championship game with no other escort along, a missed opportunity to burn the creature's body, and someminor otherthings. True, somethings are amusing, but nothing really frightening, no expansion on the creature's mythology. Just sorta bland.
A comment on the last ending bit. Suppose you have the creature at your mercy just before it goes into hybernation with two limbs missing. Do you...A) chop it up into tiny bits and sell the remains to some lab for a bunchofmoney,or B) stitch it.back together to hang it up on your barn wall where you can wait for the next 23 years for it awaken so you can nail it with your harpoon machine again. Me, I'm for the first, but the movie took the latter. Just one last piece of artifically manufactured attempt at suspense.
All in all, definitely a Cheesey Movie, and on that scale it gets a Feta.