The only time I'd seen this comic-derived character was a time-traveling episode of Justice League, and I found the character interesting enough that when I heard of this movie I decided I wanted to see it. So I saw it, thought it was okay though lackcing a bit in the implied supernatural aspects, and thought as the end-credits rolled on by that "well, that was an okay two hours". Then I looked at my watch.
At about 1 hour and 20 minutes, its not only a bit short but is plodding and dreary enough to seem much longer. I get the feeling that the comic was much better and so could have been this movie. It was okay, interesting, but lacking a bit. Yes, he has a weird face, yes he can talk to the dead, but the potential is for so much more in the way of supernatural elements (walk the ether, summoning spirits, some supernatural creature summoned up by his nemesis, etc.). Maybe the comic was exactly like this maybe not, I don't know. I just know that if it feels like 2 hours have gone by then the movie I'm watching had better be half an hour over that.
So I guess I can say that it was "okay" but not much more.