So comics aren't real, superheros aren't real, bt suppose that didn't stop some teen from trying it out anyway? That is the premise of this amusing little flick, where a teen decides to done a cheap costume and go beating up criminals. Only, of course, it turns ot the real world involces guns, knives, and a whole lot of pain. But that does not stop him, in fact it even inspires imitators. Enter a father-daughter team who have been a bit more psychotic in their determination of becoming crime fighters. The scenes of the father training his eleven year old daughter are quite funny, though parents may cringe more than a few times.
This movie is where the Comic world and the Real world intersect, with painful to watch beatings, a lot of killings (most perpetuated by the eager-to-please-her-daddy, eleven year old Hit Girl). Hit Girl is a fav, and just about the deadliest eleven-year-old girl you're gonna find, while the title character is just an ordinary kid that quickly finds himself far out of his league. They get involved with ighting a major organized crime figure and that's where they find out how rough the world can really get.
I loved this film, it's a perfectly enjoyable popcorn flick. My only problem was I wiash I'd been in a better mood to enjoy it (was rather depressed about something at the time that had nothing to do with the movie). See it.