Throw historical and period accuracy out the window, make it a medical pro-wrestling style sports event, and add in some modern era rock music that you can see the medival characters humming to, and you got A Knight's Tale. From painted kid's faces, to announcers, and the crowd doing the wave, this movie looks like Las Vegas threw up all over a medieval jousting event. Fortunately, after the first fifteen minutes it does get a bit more serious then an SNL sketch and ends up being a pretty good movie.
Predictable plot but carried off rather well nonetheless, fun in places, and a young lady of quality that has the most browridge-ridden smile since Brooke Shields, this film ends up being a good matinee see. To be sure, the whole rock-music thing is just a gimic to attract people (at least they didn't go for punk, metal, or that other noise), and is mostly abandoned once the plot really gets going.
Nothing really surprisoing here but just a bunch of fun, on my Cheesey scale I give it a Provalone.