A somewhat derivtive movie of another film whose name I can't remember in which the well of souls was empty and humanity doomed unless a very special baby could be born. Here, God has sent his legions of angels and plagues to kill off humanity unless a very special baby can be born to save humanity. Kinda similar. Anyway, the first half is a bit boring, lots of character setup. In fact, during the first half I often found myself gettign distracted by things from tiem to time: lint on my shirt, a hangnail, that sort of thing. Never a good sign. Once it gets going, however, it's pretty okay, lots of unearthly plagues, though the fights involve a lot of simple brutal gunplay.
To be truthful, the poster looked a lot coller than the movie actually was. Not bad but not great. And when you think about it, the premise is kind of depressing: God hates us all, we die unless the magic baby is born and lives long enough to grow up. Well, 'nuff said about this thing.