Another kid's book-based flick in the vein of strange, unusual, and mysterious, with Jim Carrey as the bad guy, it follows the adventures of three distinctive kids; one an adventurous genious, the next a big reader that never forgets a thing he reads, and the youngest a toddler wo likes to bite things... a lot. Never read the book but can say that this is a pretty inventive and entertaining flick, be it for family or just movie-goers.
For once Jim Carrey isn't the only excentric character in this film. In fact, nearly ALL of the characters are excentric... in a good way. Between serpent-loving uncles and future-seeing broken-hearted aunts, these kids never had so many relatives they weren't related to (to use their words). Some adventure, mystery, but while there are some deaths they are never shown directly, so never fear for the younger kids. All in all, an enjoyable movie; one of those I wished had lasted a bit longer.