The latest attempt since that awful 1980-ish thing to bring the Lone Ranger to the Big Screen, this one ain't too bad. It started off with a mentally disturbed Tonto and a half-wit would-be Lone Ranger, and a worrisome amount of comedic-intent mixed into what should be a hero's story. Not bad at all, but after a few rumors it had me concerned. The one brief playing of the William Tell Overture was interrupted after a few bars, and so I thought "Uh oh, they're going to go THAT route, make fun of all the classic stuff as they have heir 'new' not-your-father's Lone Ranger". Nevertheless, I was determined to enjoy it.
But then a funny thing happened. The Lone Ranger finally decided that the mask was his destiny and he became the hero we had been waiting for. The Bad Guy became very bad, the William Tell Overture began, and thus began the Chase. The Mask Man in full hero mode atop silver with Tonto and one of thee two best chase scene pieces of music ever playing the entire time. (the other one being Holding Out For A Hero, but that's just me). So, in the end, can I recommend this? Well, Cavandish could have used a better more flamboyant and threatening actor, but overall...