Based on the fake trailer in the middle of Grindhouse, it not only does a pretty good job of recreating that ridiculously fun mass combat scene in said trailer, but does a great job of making a plain old ridiculously bloody fun movie (emphasis on the bloody). Danny Trejo hamming it up with his ugly mug, Lindsay Lohan in a nun outfit, Steven Segal as an over-acting bad guy, Jessica Alba as a Fed, Robert Dinero as a Senator, Michelle Rodrigues, lots of nude shots that don't ever shy away, and lots of blood and severed limbs that likewise never shy away.
Do I need to say more? If you want rated R, old fashioned, so much blod it's ridiculous, dark-humored fun, then go see this little geek-loving fun film. If you're allergic to blood and flying heads, then avoid it. Me? I loved it. On my Cheesey Scale, I give it a nice fun-loving Limburger.