The new Superman reboot, retelling the tale of the original classic with Christopher Reeve. This one is very good and entertaining, but it's still no classic. Good points: The more advanced special effects, look of the Kryptonian tech, the combat and fights. The Bad: The guy playing Zod is no Terrance Stamp, the actors in the original were all a lot better, at no point was I on the edge of my seat, the action while plentiful was lacking in dramatic impact, and the plot could have been better paced and thought out. Krypton was completely different than in the original- no crystals, for example- but that worked in this case (if you can't copy then go completely different). All in all, whiwle it was solid, it was missing that over-the-top flare that made the ORingal "Superman The Movie" a classic.
So, my overall opinion: Meh. See it at early bird prices and don't waste any time with IMAX, LFX, or 3D.