The Matrix, it cannot be explained, it must be experienced... And so must this movie. Another thought-provoking flick akin to Dark City, it has just the right blend of elements to feed your needs for both brain-food and action-sequences.
The computer-generated special effects are not only very good but quite appropriate for the plot. They permiate the film but don't detract from the plot one bit; indeed it walks hand-in-hand beside the plot.
And just what IS the matrix? Ah, I'll save that little goody for you're own enjoyment when you see this movie. Suffice it to say the set-up is well enough thought out, and the plot follows one logical step at a time until the show-down that everyone will come to expect. The few points of their past that could have caused logic problems for the script writer were covered by a well-placed remark by one of the characters that they just aren't sure exactly about the details of how everything fell apart so long ago- a fact that would be natural given their present- but enough is given to firmly ground the present plot in.
A word of warning though. If you are a technophobe, if you can't yet program your VCR (A fact that is so easy that the joke about it are really stale), if you don't even realize that matrix refers to computer matrix, then don't see this film; you're better off brushing up on how such high-tech gizmos as toothpaste dispensers work.
The rest of us, though, will be having a blast watching this film.