Matrix Reloaded

One web site said that the audience booed at the endof the movie, and two reviewers ontelevision have remarked about theplot containing a bunchof psychobabble that just goes over everyone's heads. Well, I'm here to set the rumors straight. Firsat off, the audience no doubt booed because of three little words that appeared at the end of thepicture: "To Be Concluded". More the boos of frustration. Second, if most movie reviewers had any real intelligence then they'd be making movied instead of just reviewing, because the part they're talking about is quite intelligently thought out, follows logically, and answers a few questions I'd had from the first film. Well, thatsaid, on with the review.

Overall this movie is great, at least as good as the first, better in some ways. Action aplenty even to the point where I began to wonder about anyplot. But in between the action is a plot with enough twists and turns to keep your interestinto the upcoming third movie. it starts out simple enough: Zion is threatened and it's time for The One to fulfill his destiny.

Yes, we get to see Zion, and yes those fight sequences look like ballet (not surprising since someone from the Hong Kong Kung Fu movie bunch was the choreographer), and yes the chase scenes are quite grand. Neo is taken to the next level in terms of what he can do once plugged in, but just when you think you've seen enough of that- Well, just wait for that last 20 minutes, and especially that last 5 minutes. THEN you'll no why they screamed at the end; it's a matter of really wanting that third movie NOW.

Matrix introduced us to the world and a whole new type of action, reloaded lead us past that and into those unholy plot revelations at the middle of any good trilogy, and the third... I for one can't wait.

Oh, and stay through the end credits because right after them is a preview trailer for the third film in the series, Matrix Revolution.