The alien hunters are back again to save the Earth (but don't they always), this time with the return of most of our favorite characters (Hey, I liked L, why'd they have to write her out?!). Agent J is not so wet behind the ears and now it's the memory-deprived Agent K that he must bring back for the important secret he holds.
A search for a lost prize pits the MIBs against an evil alien space queen that could have stepped right out of an old serial and brings them across more new aliens, more gadgets, gags, and a certain pug with a more active role. As far as what they're searching for, no hints or clues here, just me saying that this movie is great July 4th fare.
A cute little cartoon starts things off which was quite enjoyable (after the trailers for Lord of the Rings 2 as well as one for the coming Trek film that looks like something more then just another episode from the series for a change), and then starting in with what I hope is not the last film in this franchise. I liked it, it was fun, so there.