There has nver ben a bad film version of The Count oF Monte Cristo, and I really think making a bad one would take far more talent then making a good one. Read as: It's a bullet-proof story.
and with this fi;m the winnbing streak for Monete Cristo rmains intact. This is a wonderful story of betrayal and revenge, with action and oneof th original definitions of poetic justice. I don't know whether or not it follows exactly according to the book but the spirit and structure are definitely Monte Cristo. I don't ned to tell you anything about the plot sing as how it's one of the best known ones in literature, so I'll just gt straight to the implementation of it...
It's great. See this film; it's probably one of the few non-art action pics you'll see this side of Summer, so enjoy it while you can. It's one of those films where I forgot completely about the outside world (well, except for the bad theater seats). You won't regret seeing this film.